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Helping you live your vision for a better world

Pathways for Peace

Jonah Tobias

Holistic Coach and Mentor

My path of healing has taken me on an international journey from the Jalis of Western Africa, the gurus of India, the shamans of Central and South America, and the sciences and traditions of western culture. Along the way, I have been blessed to learn from many wise teachers, and the wisest teachers of all- Life.


As a holistic coach and mentor, I can help you deepen your practices into wise paths, chart your way forward through a clear and well balanced spiritual road map, and make sustained progress towards living the life that you love. 

Tropical Leaves

Align Yourself with the Wise Traditions

White Background
Green Leaves
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Plant Medicine Integration

Plant medicines can take you high into the realms of the divine, and deep into our most intimate hurts and shadow. In either case, the healing that they bring is often only a taste of what is possible. 


 What visions and gifts has the medicine awakened in you? What sacred purpose is the earth asking you to bring forward?


Through Somatic Journeying, I can help you revisit your experiences from ceremony, and find clarity and guidance on how to integrate them into your life. And through my experiences as a student, assistant, and organizer for curanderos, as well as a facilitator of ceremony, I can help you take your next steps on your plant medicine path.


Blue Skies
Eagle Flying

Creating Your Spiritual Roadmap 


A spiritual roadmap can help you craft the different areas of your life into a clear vision, outlining your priorities and long term goals, and supporting you in taking the steps you need to get there. 


The result is a well balanced, successful, and sustainable path of growth.


Three Elements of Coaching


Daily Practices and Routines

The road to your soul's purpose is measured not in miles, but the hours of your day. 


Through steady, incremental changes to your habits and practices, I can help you better align your life with your values and long term goals. In just a few months, I can help you steer your life in the direction of your greatest dreams. 


Somatic Journeying

Deeper than the stories of your mind, there is a knowing, clarity, and devotion in your body, heart, and soul.


Through guided journeys into the sensations of the body, I can help you explore the answers already contained within, and rewrite your story from your deepest truths.



Let your life become your practice of devotion.

Organic Gardening

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Your practice, performed with steadiness and devotion, will become the rock that you stand upon.
Yoga Sutra 1.14

Natural Steaming Mud

What is holistic spirituality?


For many of us in the west, our introduction to spirituality has come from other traditions. Whether it's going to yoga classes, practicing mindfulness, or attending ayahuasca ceremonies, the deeper we delve into these practices from other cultures the more deeply these practices delve into us. And as it does, it moves off of the mat, and into every aspect of our lives.

Holistic spirituality doesn't see only "certain" traditions, practices or even areas of life as spiritual. Whether it's the food we eat, the relationships that challenge us, or the causes and passions we fight for ... a holistic view embraces all of life as our spiritual path.




Are you now entering this more holistic stage of spiritual development? Is your spiritual progress asking you to step into your life in a new and more committed way?


As a holistic coach, I can help you transform your healing journey into a life of purpose, and share your love and spirituality through your work, your relationships, and your vision for a better world.

I Bow to the Wisdom Within You

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